Ever heard the word dressage? If you ride horses, you probably have. Dressage is french for 'training', and it involves many moves and hard work. Dressage was originally intended for military use, and began in the 16th century. Early dressage consists of walking, trotting, and cantering. You may use circles, serpentines, diagnols, and much more to prefrom dressage. At the beginning, you must halt and sulute. GIRLS: Square halt your horse, and nod. GUYS: Remove your riding hat and place it behind your right leg, and nod. That is the sulute. You must sulute at the beginning, and at the end of your dressage test.
Above: This rider is Preforming a canter in
her Dressage test.
1. The higher you compete, the higher your fame and your horses fame has to be.
2. If a judge hears you speak to your horse, you will lose marks.
3. Germany is the leading country in dressage.
4. In a dressage competition, you are marked out of 10 on every move you preform on your test.
5. Above 65% on a test is considered good