Monday, May 26, 2008

Welcome To HLU!

Hi everyone! Here you can learn about everything you need to know about horses, how to approach a horse, and all of that kind of stuff. I love to ride horses, and now you can learn too! Learn: -How to approach a horse - Different horse breeds -Find out which horse would be best for you - Find out which horse breed you are AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!!!

Ok. I ride at a place called Just Colours Farm, and I just LOVE it there! Here is a picture of the horse that I ride. Her name is Tiki. She is the one on the right. The other is a horse named Paco.

Riding @ Just Colours Farm- A Journal

This is a journal of my Just Colours Farm riding experiences. I'll try to edit it a lot...

~Saturday, May 24, 2008~
At riding today, I rode a horse named Dutchess. She's absulutley gorgeous! I walked, trotted, and cantered on her. She is a thoroughbred, (I might have spelt it wrong lol) and she is grey, with dapples and is a little bit flea-bitten (dappled is a colour- read on more to find out about colours). I also might be leasing her in the summer.