Thursday, January 3, 2008

Popular Horse Breeds Of The World

There are some really popular horse breeds out there, and here are some of them listed with their pictures!

The Quarter Horse

This breed has a very good temperment which makes them a very good riding horse. They are also very polular horse for trail riding. The quarter horse is the most popular breed. All in all, they are a great breed, and can be used for new riders, to very experienced riders.

The Arabian
The arabian is the olders purebred horse in the world. Arabians are used for hunting, jumping, endurance racing, dressage, trail riding, and also working on ranches. They are also a very popluar breed of horse.

The Thoroughbred

You probably know that the thoroughbred is a great racer, and yes, it is. But aside from racing, the thoroughbred also makes a great horse for jumping, eventing, polo, and hunting. The thoroughbred has been bred for over 300 years becuase of its great speed and endurance. The thoroughbred has also bred to create new breeds, or/and to upgrade others.

The Appaloosa

For the appaloosa, the main colouring is a spotted colour. This is also a very old breed, and is also very popular. The appaloosa is used for showing, flatwork, and also showjumping. The appaloosa was used by native americans. The appaloosa is a very good breed for riding.

The Shetland Pony

The shetland pony was named after where it came from, which would be the Shetland Islands. The little pony is so hairy probably because the islands where it came from where so cold. This pony is very polular for kids, and has a good temperment. It's also easy to care for. However, many may think that the shetland pony may be the smalles pony in the world, but it's not. The falabella is the smallest.

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